The Elbe Sandstones Geometry Workshop

Rynartice, Czech Republic, July 23-28, 2001
(organized by ITI, Charles University)


TUE   9:10 - 10:00  G. Rote: Unfolding of polygons I 
     10:10 - 10:40  K. Kuperberg: Pach's animal problem

     11:10 - 12:00  M. Sharir: Lenses and their descendants I                  
     12:10 - 12:40  O. Cheong: The Voronoi Game                 

     17:00 - 17:30  Cs. Toth: BSP for line segments with few distinct directions    
     17:35 - 18:05  W. Kuperberg: Ball packings in a cube, vertex-inscribed 
                                  regular simplices, and Hadamard matrices 
     18:15 - 18:45  M. Joswig: Projectivities, Colorings, and Branched Coverings

WED   9:10 - 10:00  G. Rote: Unfolding of polygons II                        
     10:10 - 10:40  G. Toth: The string graph problem                          

     11:10 - 12:00  M. Sharir: Lenses and their descendants II
     12:10 - 12:40  V. Koltun: Almost Tight Upper Bounds 
                               for Vertical Decompositions in Four Dimensions 

     20:00 - 21:00  Problem session

FRI   9:10 - 10:00  N. Linial: Recent progress in metrical embeddings I     
     10:10 - 10:40  N. Linial: Recent progress in metrical embeddings II                  

     11:10 - 12:00  G. Tardos: Distances and distinct sums                    
     12:10 - 12:40  Gy. Elekes: On the Number of Distinct Radii

     17:00 - 17:30  F. Shahrokhi: Algorithms and Covering Theorems 
                                  For Pseudo-Transitive Graphs 
                                  With Geometric Applications
     17:35 - 17:55  B. Aronov: Distinct distances in 3 dimensions
     17:55 - 18:15  S. Har-Peled: A replacement for Voronoi diagrams 
                                  of near-linear size
     18:20 - 18:50  T. Kaiser: Line transversals to unit discs

SAT   9:10 - 10:00  S. Felsner: Combinatorial Representations 
                               of Arrangements of Pseudolines

     11:10 - 12:00  U. Wagner: On the number of corner cuts
     12:10 - 12:40  Gy. Karolyi: Erdos-Szekers theorem 
                                 with forbidden order types